Well Engineering opera su reti wireless WLAN individuando i prodotti presenti sul mercato e progettando l’infrastruttura di rete e la sua configurazione.
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Totem multimediali
TOTEM OUTDOOR PER APPLICAZIONI TURISTICHE e ISTITUZIONALI: Progettato per uso esterno è dotato di touch screen e di una meccanica robusta e duratura, protezione dalle intemperie, vetro antiriflesso, audio, adatto per GDO, Hotel, Ristoranti, Comuni, Ospedali, Esercizi commerciali, Fiere ed Eventi.
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WEB site, SEO, E-Commerce…
Well Engineering studia, progetta e realizza uno strumento di comunicazione, di promozione e di vendita che si basa sulle specifiche esigenze di ogni singolo cliente.
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Well Engineering è in grado proporre soluzioni di videosorveglianza per aumentare la sicurezza delle attività industriali e commerciali, consentendo di migliorare notevolmente la sicurezza attiva e passiva, del personale e della clientela.
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WEB CAM panoramiche per turismo e monitoraggio
Il sistema 3GCam è un apparato digitale professionale che trasmette su rete mobile o wireless (Wi-Fi) immagini ad alta risoluzione con formati differenti.
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What We Can Offer
Networking e Wlan
Progettazione è realizzazione di reti punto - punto, punto - multipunto, connessioni ultimo miglio.
Wireless point to point wireless (``ptp wireless``), wireless mesh, WiMax backhaul, LTE wireless, and point to multipoint wireless, can extend broadband connectivity further and faster than with structured cabling or fiber.
Digital Signage e Totem multimediali
Progettato per uso esterno è dotato di touch screen e di una meccanica robusta e duratura, protezione dalle intemperie, vetro antiriflesso, audio, adatto per GDO, Hotel, Ristoranti, Comuni, Ospedali, Esercizi commerciali, Fiere ed Eventi.
Tecnologie per la promozione dei territori
Strumenti tecnologici per la promozione turistica e culturale. WE è Partner di Consorzi di promozione, Proloco, Comuni, Associazione di albergatori. WEBCAM alta risoluzione panoramiche, telecamere 4K, siti web, digital signage, totem multimediali.
MONITORAGGIO cantieri, osservazione frane , livello bacini idrici.
Soluzione outdoor per la trasmissione wireless di foto ad alta qualità dedicata al mercato B2B. Immagini ad alta risoluzione finalizzate alla video-osservazione di cantieri, osservazione frane, livello bacini idrici, panorami turistici.
From Idea To Realization
Well Engineering is a company operating in the field of solutions and Telematics services development based on wireless technologies. Well Engineering’s key services consist in realizing wireless/wired solutions and specialized services for institutions, public authorities, companies.
Well Engineering si occupa anche di progettare soluzioni e servizi telematici realizzati su tecnologie senza fili, le tecnologie con cui opera sono UMTS, Wi-Fi, RFID. Well Engineering offre la realizzazione di soluzioni e la fornitura di servizi specializzati dedicati ad amministrazioni pubbliche ed enti privati.
Planning (also called forethought) is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. Production planning is the planning of production and manufacturing modules in a company or industry. It utilizes the resource allocation of activities of employees, materials and production capacity, in order to serve different customers. Different types of production methods, such as single item manufacturing, batch production, mass production, continuous production etc. have their own type of production planning.
In this step our engineers and architects finish their design and blueprints with last feedback from you before starting the execution of the project. Material is being shipped ( if working remotely ) or stored in required quantities for further usage. Workers are being given detail instructions and clearing any doubts with them on how thing are need to be done. All tools is being prepared for shipping ( if working remotely ) and prepared for usage. In this step all is double checked so risk of large issue is minimal.
Execution is the step when solution is being finally built. Now workers step in take the control of the solution with constant supervising by team of engineers which are dedicated to project. Since in previous steps everything is double checked chances to something goes wrong in this step are minimal and only what is required is time for the solution to be finished. Our every project so far was finished right on time so there is no chance that the deadline is being passed. Here you can do only smaller changes to the project.
This step means that your solution is almost finished and now again our engineers step in to do the final testing and fine tunes if required. Here every inch of the solution is being thoroughly testing for any inconsistencies and if there are any it needs to be fixed. This is the step which can prolong project finish but in our 40 years of experience this was never the case. During the execution step team is designing testing steps which are planned so everything can go smoothly and without any unplanned failures.
This step means that the project is finished and fully functional without the issue. At this step you or your team will receive complete documentation on how to use solution together with certain amount of educational hours depending on the project complexity. Beside on how to use documentation you will also receive list of possible issues, which can occur as a result of the exploitation and material consumption, with the explanation on how to resolve them in a safe and precise way.